Canadian Biomass Magazine

Aboriginal community energy program launched

April 7, 2011
By Ontario Power Authority

Apr. 7, 2011 – First Nations and Métis communities can now apply for funding from a new Ontario Power Authority program designed to help develop energy plans.

Apr. 7, 2011 – First Nations and Métis
communities can now apply for funding from a new Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
program designed to help develop energy plans. The energy plans will assist
communities to become more energy efficient, meet future energy needs, and
explore developing small-scale renewable energy projects.

The Aboriginal Community Energy Plan (ACEP)
is designed to help First Nation and Métis communities develop comprehensive
energy plans based on engagement with community members about options and
priorities for conservation and renewable micro-generation. It provides a
step-by-step process for getting community members involved in providing
direction on how future energy needs can be met. Applicants can apply to cover
the cost of community meetings and planning sessions, as well as collecting
baseline information required to proceed with conservation and renewable
micro-generation projects. Full details, including programs rules and
guidelines, are available from

The ACEP is the third component of the
Aboriginal Energy Partnerships Program, which was announced in April 2010. The
other two complementary initiatives began operating last April: the Aboriginal
Renewable Energy Fund
(AREF) and the Aboriginal Renewable Energy Network

The Aboriginal Energy Partnerships Program
was created with the help of and receives ongoing guidance from the Aboriginal
Advisory Committee, which is comprised of eight members nominated by First
Nation Political Territorial Organizations, the Métis Nation of Ontario, and
the OPA.


The three modules of the ACEP specifically

  • Education, vision, and community profile –
    To develop guiding principles and a common community vision. Participants will
    complete a profile with information about community size, location, and its
    existing energy profile.
  • Community baseline study – To examine total
    energy use to find cost savings, conservation, and renewable micro-generation
    benefits. It will also help determine the effects of existing community
    policies and procedures on meeting a community’s vision and guiding principles.
  • Development of a Community Energy Plan – To
    identify electricity conservation priorities and renewable micro-generation
    opportunities, develop an action plan, and make recommendations for community
    policy changes on electricity use. The action plan can position communities to
    take advantage of conservation initiatives.

More information about these programs can
be obtained from;
by email,;
or by calling 416-969-6317 / toll-free 1-888-471-2377.

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