Canadian Biomass Magazine

December 16: Biomaterials in the P&P sector

October 26, 2015
By Andrew Snook

Want to learn more about the conditions necessary for a successful forest-based biorefinery?

FPInnovations' lignin precipitation pilot plant installed in the pulp mill operated by Resolute Forest Products in Thunder Bay

Join FPInnovations biorefinery and bioenergy research manager Tom Browne for his presentation, “Technical and economic conditions for success of the forest-based biorefinery,” on December 16 at 2:00 p.m. EST.

Presentation description:
The petroleum refinery converts a raw material, usually oil or gas, into a wide range of products: fuels, materials and chemicals. The biorefinery aims to do the same, but with a bio-based raw material such as agricultural crops or residues, wood chips or forestry residues, etc. The economics of the biorefinery depend on the price of oil and the biomass, and on the availability of solid transformation pathways.

This webinar will provide a technical and economic overview of the conditions for successful implementation of a biorefinery in the NAFTA context, using the wood-based biorefinery as a model.

And all of this for only $25!


Click here to register

Date: December 16, 2015

Time: 2:00 p.m. EST

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