Canadian Biomass Magazine

Feds announce call for expressions of interest for low-carbon fuels R&D projects

December 7, 2021
By Ellen Cools

The federal government has announced a new call for expressions of interest to support low-carbon fuels research, development and demonstration (RD&D) projects.

Putting out a call for expressions of interest will help provide research funding to help industry address emissions in ‘hard-to-abate’ sectors such as iron and steel, chemicals and fertilizers, smelting and refining. These industries accounted for 11 per cent of Canada’s emissions in 2019.

Projects that receive funding will focus on three areas: industrial fuel switching, pre-commercial production of clean fuels, and the development and upgrade of hydrogen codes and standards. Successful applications need to show how the project can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and address a gap in Canada’s energy systems.

The call for expressions will be open until Feb. 2, 2022.


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