Canadian Biomass Magazine

Logger turns waste wood into Bio Logs

November 9, 2012

2718c32a1d7bf019118323cc096fca2d_292_292November 9, 2012, Darby, MT – The owner of a Montana lumber and helicopter logging company is taking wood waste and turning it into a marketable product, "bio logs", which burn hot and clean.

Ryan Conner’s family started Darby Lumber, he owns a helicopter logging company and he starred in the reality TV show “Ax Men.”

But when Smurfit-Stone Container shut down and R and R Conner Aviation owner Conner had nowhere to send his pulpwood, he was forced to reinvent himself and his helicopter logging business, according to a story on .

Conner says lodge pole, cedar and even cotton wood is hand fed into a grinder, goes through a red pipe into a drying process before its final meltdown in the extruder where it binds together, creating a log that burns super hot and super clean, even if it started out as nature's failure.

Even trees ravaged by pine beetles aren't a problem for Conner.


"No, beetle kill is actually ideal for us because if it sits in the forest too long, it becomes basically no use for any commercial product other than this," Conner said.

"We've made enough of them and we've actually introduced it to public at a couple of events and the feedback is just amazing and the produce itself, I think it's superior to anything else we're burning right now."

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