Canadian Biomass Magazine

Prairie biomass workshop looks at opportunities

October 6, 2013
By Scott Jamieson

October 6, 2013, Saskatoon, SK - A workshop and full-day tour October 29-30 will look at bioenergy and bio-products opportunities in Canada's prairie provinces.

Canada’s prairie provinces have significant capacity for biomass production from agriculture and forestry. A full-fledged Canadian bio-economy could see utilization of biomass from farms and forests for the production not only of bio-energy and bio-fuels, but also lucrative bio-chemicals, bio-pharmaceuticals, and other bio-materials.

CanBio is holding a workshop in Saskatoon to explore options to develop the bio-economy. Representatives from Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan will provide an overview of the current state of the bio-economy and outline strategies for growing success in the bio-economy.

Plan on attending CanBio's workshop in Saskatoon to learn about the latest developments and opportunities on the Prairies.

Check out the one day workshop and tour here. Early bird registration is still available.


Early bird pricing     
$250 for CanBio Members; $350 for non-members
For Bio-industries Tour on October 30 add $100
It’s easy: To reserve your place send an email with your contact information and choice (tour or no tour) to


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