Canadian Biomass Magazine

Skeena Bioenergy donating wood pellets to BC community facing shortage

January 29, 2020
By Skeena Bioenergy

In response to the significant local need for home heating pellets, Skeena Bioenergy, in partnership with the Kitsumkalum Economic Development Group, is hosting a Community Pellet Day.

On Saturday, Feb. 1, local residents are invited to come to the Kitsumkalum Boat Launch and receive pellets by donation. Volunteers will be on-site from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to fill pellet containers and help to load them into vehicles. Pellet bags or containers will not be provided and, given the significant need, each household will be limited to 200 pounds of pellets. Donations received will benefit a variety of local community groups.

Skeena Bioenergy’s pellets are industrial grade pellets (I2) and while safe to burn in domestic stoves, they may burn slightly differently than standard consumer pellets and produce somewhat more ash.

We look forward to seeing community members on Saturday at the Kitsumsalum Boat Launch (West side of Terrace across from the Tempo gas station).


For more information, contact:

Greg Demille

Phone: 604-803-7719


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