Canadian Biomass Magazine

U.S. proposes new rail safety standards

July 24, 2014
By Canadian Biomass

July 24, 2014, Washington, D.C. – The U.S. government is proposing new rail safety standards that would see old tanker cars phased out over a two-year period as well as a reduction in the speed limit for tankers.

July 24, 2014, Washington, D.C. – The U.S. government is
proposing new rail safety standards that would see old tanker cars phased out
over a two-year period as well as a reduction in the speed limit for tankers.


According to the report from Bloomberg Businessweek, the
proposal would be enforced for both the oil and ethanol industries.



The new proposal also targets improvements in braking
systems as well as thicker tanker walls.


The new regulations will update standards put in place
before the movement of flammable liquids via rail was commonplace. According to
the article, tanker movement of oil has increased by over 400,000 cars since



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