Canadian Biomass Magazine

World Bio Markets 2020 postponed due to COVID-19 risk

March 12, 2020
By Bio Market Insights

Due to growing concerns around the coronavirus (COVID-19) Bio Market Insights, the organizer of World Bio Markets, the world’s leading bio-economy event, has postponed World Bio Markets 2020 from March 23-25 2020, to November 2-4, 2020, at the same venue, the Passenger Terminal Amsterdam.

Furthermore, we will be co-locating SynBio Markets 2020 on the same dates at the same venue. We believe this will offer a number of benefits to the market, as follows:

For World Bio Markets 2020 clients and partners:

  • By combining the two events we are bringing the whole bioeconomy value chain together and offering more content, a bigger audience and more networking opportunities – you get access to both events!
  • We hope that by November travel bans will be lifted enabling us to offer an event of optimal quality – a full audience with a big appetite for face-to-face meetings!
  • And we now have an additional seven – eight months in order to build our audience; including more brands, chemical and material manufacturers, investors and start-ups.
  • Furthermore, for existing partners we will leave the meeting tool open up until the end of March, so you can still use it to schedule calls with people of interest.

For SynBio Markets 2020 clients and partners:

  • The co-location with World Bio Markets 2020 will enable us to showcase synthetic biology in a non-intimidating way in the presence of big brands, chemical manufacturers and investors.
  • By sharing the exhibition and networking elements of both events you will also be able to showcase your business to a far wider (yet highly relevant) audience!
  • Attendees will also get more value for time out of the office, with the opportunity to upgrade to attend both conferences, the pre-conference technical workshop day, and networking dinner.
  • However, we will still be hosting a dedicated content stream and networking event specifically for the synthetic biology community, so you won’t get lost in the crowd.

For all our clients and partners across both events:

  • A shared exhibition and networking zone and shared one-to-one meetings ensure we are cross-pollinating and connecting the entire value chain from end to end!
  • We noted different investor pools at previous World Bio Markets and SynBio Markets events. These will now combine to provide one “go-to” pool of qualified investors.
  • Combining two events, creates one definitive event of scale. The go-to, once-a-year event in Europe for all your bioeconomy business development needs.
  • Due to travel bans we’ll also be supporting the industry in the run-up to the event by opening up our online platform featuring content, lead generation and connections.

We would like to thank everyone for their support and encouragement. We look forward to repaying your faith! We’ll be reaching out to all clients and partners individually to talk through the new setup and field any questions. But please feel free to get in touch directly if you have any comments or suggestions.

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