Canadian Biomass Magazine

WPAC hosting PSM workshop on conducting incident investigations

October 19, 2018
By Wood Pellet Association of Canada

Oct. 19, 2018 - The Wood Pellet Association of Canada's Safety Committee in co-operation with WorkSafeBC and media partner Canadian Biomass magazine are hosting a workshop on process safety incident investigations.

WPAC and WorkSafeBC are collaborating on supporting the wood pellet industry in implementing Process Safety Management (PSM).

PSM focuses on preventing catastrophic incidents through systematic identification and management of critical risks involving potentially hazardous processes. PSM is a proactive form of risk assessment combined with engineering that focuses on preventing catastrophic fires, explosions, accidental chemical releases, and structural collapses, especially in facilities that use, process, and handle hazardous materials (including combustible wood dust). Process safety involves the prevention of leaks, spills, equipment malfunctions, corrosion, component failures, and upset conditions that present serious risks to the health and safety of workers, and potentially the public.

Incident investigations are a key component of PSM and must be conducted for process upsets that resulted in, or could have resulted in, injuries, illnesses, damage to health, fatalities or significant damage to equipment and facilities. The most important reason for conducting an investigation to find out the cause of each incident and to prevent similar incidents in the future.

This workshop will cover such topics as:


• Introduction to the process safety incident investigation process
• Assembling the incident investigation team
• Compiling evidence and determining the root cause
• Steps involved in investigating an incident and the use of templates
• Generating a report and making effective recommendations

The workshop will take place in Richmond, B.C., on Nov. 20, 2018 and is open to all interested parties. Find more details and register here. Registration is limited to 40 participants.

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