WPAC puts out call for papers for Vancouver AGM
April 21, 2013
Scott Jamieson
April 21, 2013, Vancouver, BC - Organizers of the 2013 Wood Pellet Association of Canada (WPAC) Annual General Meeting and Conference have put out a call for papers.
The WPAC AGM will be held at the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown hotel November 18-20. It will include a BCIT pellet manufacturing workshop held April 18, the AGM itself (board members and invited guests only), social activities, a two-day conference, and table-top exhibits. More conference info here.
The conference agenda will include the following topics:
- Overview of the Canadian pellet industry
- Sustainability in a Canadian context
- Fibre sourcing
- Transportation and logistics
- Power markets – domestic and export
- Heat markets – domestic and export
If you wish to submit an abstract, please be sure that you are available to present on November 19 or 20, ensure your topic fits one of the six themes above, include you name, title, and company affiliation, and a maximum 300-word abstract of your presentation. Send this information to Gordon Murray, Executive Director, WPAC, at gord@pellet.org. The deadline for submitting your abstract is May 15, 2013.
If you have any questions regarding sponsorship or exhibit space (limited on a first-come, first serve basis), contact Ross Anderson at randerson@annexweb.com.
To reserve your hotel in beautiful downtown Vancouver, visit the WPAC block as soon as possible.
The WPAC event website and online registration form will be available in May.
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