Canadian Biomass Magazine

City of Saint John studies district energy potential

March 17, 2011
By Federation of Canadian Municipalities

Mar. 17, 2011, Saint John, NB – The city of Saint John has put $144,000 in grant funds from the Green Municipal Fund toward a study on developing a district energy system.

Mar. 17, 2011, Saint John, NB – The city of
Saint John has put $144,000 in grant funds from the Green Municipal Fund toward
a study on developing a district energy system. The city is developing a
district energy system for the uptown and waterfront areas. It is working to
reduce operating costs by increasing energy efficiency and finding renewable
sources of energy. With investment and large-scale development slated for the
uptown and waterfront, the use of renewable energy as a green heating utility
is a sustainable way to mitigate the effects of growth.

The feasibility study will identify
appropriate buildings in the uptown area for the district energy system. It
will identify potential sources of energy to heat the buildings, including raw
sewage heat recovery, waste heating from buildings, industrial waste, and the
Saint John Harbour. The study will also evaluate the financial and technical
viability of each energy source, as well as the economic and social benefits to
the community.

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