Canadian Biomass Magazine

Ensyn generating first cellulosic RINs under U.S. RFS2

November 10, 2014
By Canadian Biomass

November 10, 2014, New York, NY - Ensyn announced that it has initiated the generation and sale of its first RINs (Renewable Identification Numbers) under the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2) and that Ensyn's D7 cellulosic RINs have received QAP certification.

November 10, 2014, New York, NY – Ensyn announced that it
has initiated the generation and sale of its first RINs (Renewable
Identification Numbers) under the US Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2) and that
Ensyn's D7 cellulosic RINs have received QAP certification.


Ensyn is the first company to generate cellulosic RINs under
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's expanded definition of Heating Oil
under RFS2, which became effective in December of 2013.



D7 RINs are generated by Ensyn by displacing petroleum
heating fuels (including #6, #4 or #2 diesel fuel oil) in customers' boilers
with Ensyn's RFO. RFO, essentially liquid wood, is a cellulosic biofuel
produced from non-food solid biomass including forest residues. RFO is used to
displace petroleum fuels in heating operations and is also a renewable
feedstock for conventional petroleum refineries for the production of gasoline
and diesel.


Ensyn RINs have been assigned QAP status by Genscape, Inc.
Genscape's QAP Service is a comprehensive EPA-approved Quality Assurance Plan
(QAP) provided to RIN generators and producers to assure the validity of RINs
entering the market.



Ensyn's RIN generation is being led by the supply of 300,000
gallons/year of RFO to Memorial Hospital, located in North Conway, New
Hampshire, under a five-year, renewable contract. This contract allows Memorial
to fully displace their petroleum heating fuels with Ensyn's advanced
cellulosic biofuel, reducing Memorial's greenhouse gas emissions from heating
fuels by approximately 85%, and lowering their operating costs.


In addition, in early October Ensyn announced a seven-year
renewable contract with Valley Regional Hospital in Claremont, New Hampshire
for the supply of 250,000 gallons/year of RFO. Under this contract, the
hospital intends to replace its entire heating fuel requirements with Ensyn's
RFO. Deliveries are targeted to commence by April, 2015.



RFO is being distributed in the US market by Ensyn Fuels
Inc., Ensyn's wholly-owned subsidiary responsible for RFO and RIN sales and


"We are pleased to have generated and sold our initial
D7 cellulosic RINs," stated Dr. Robert Graham, Chairman and CEO. "Now
that we have the mechanisms, pathways and qualifications firmly established, we
can proceed with expanding our sales and RIN generation from existing capacity as
well as from new projects and applications."

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