Canadian Biomass Magazine

Forum for NS renewable energy programs

August 17, 2011
By Canadian Clean Energy Conferences

Aug. 17, 2011, Halifax – Developers and suppliers from across the globe will be gathering in Halifax in September to discuss Nova Scotia's Community Feed-in Tariff and Request for Proposal renewable energy programs.

Aug. 17, 2011, Halifax – Nova Scotia's new
renewable energy initiatives are drawing worldwide attention as renewable
energy developers and suppliers seek out new opportunities under the province's
Community Feed-in Tariff (COMFIT) and Request for Proposal (RFP) programs.
Developers and suppliers from across the globe will be gathering in Halifax on
September 21-22, 2011, at the Nova Scotia Feed-in Tariff Forum to discuss these

The Nova Scotia Feed-in Tariff Forum agenda
has over 50 speakers, including developers, suppliers, and community power
experts from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Maine, Germany, Spain, Ontario,
Vermont, and Denmark.

The timing of the forum comes two days
after the Nova Scotia Department of Energy begins accepting COMFIT applications
for a variety of technologies, including biomass, big wind, small wind, hydro,
and tidal. The conference will offer the very latest updates on COMFIT and RFP
from the lead administrators of these programs.

The RFP creates new opportunities for 300
GWh of medium to large wind projects in Nova Scotia and will be overseen by
John Dalton, president, Power Advisory, who has been appointed as the
province's Renewable Electricity Administrator (REA). Dalton will be speaking
at the forum, offering the first insights into the new RFP.


Nova Scotia Power, the main utility in the
province, will also outline its plans for supporting the development of
renewable energy in the region, and Minister of Energy and Natural Resources
Charlie Parker is providing the opening keynote.

For more information, visit

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