Canadian Biomass Magazine

USDA announces 30% transportation biofuel goal by 2050

February 24, 2020
By Maria Church

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is aiming for biofuels to make up 15 per cent of transportation fuels by 2030, and 30 per cent by 2050 by increasing the production of renewable energy feedstocks, according to a government announcement last week.

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue made the announcement on Thursday.

The overarching goal for the department is a 40 per cent increase in agriculture production while halving the U.S. agriculture environmental footprint by 2050.

“We know we have a challenge facing us: to meet future food, fiber, fuel, and feed demands with finite resources. USDA’s Agriculture Innovation Agenda is our opportunity define American agriculture’s role to feed everyone and do right as a key player in the solution to this challenge,” Perdue said in a news release.


“This agenda is a strategic, department-wide effort to better align USDA’s resources, programs, and research to provide farmers with the tools they need to be successful. We are also continually mindful of the need for America’s agriculture industry to be environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable to maintain our position as a leader in the global effort to meet demand. We are committed as ever to the environmental sustainability and continued success, of America’s farmers, ranchers, foresters, and producers,” she said.

Read the department’s news release here.

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