Canadian Biomass Magazine

Wood Bioenergy Conference & Expo coming to Atlanta

September 2, 2015
By Andrew Snook

September 2, 2015 - Organizers of the fourth Wood Bioenergy Conference & Expo announced that one of the themes will be entitled “CHIP CHIP HOORAY!” and emphasize speakers and exhibits that address technologies and developments in in-woods chippers, grinders, mulchers, biomass processing accessories, and transportation to markets.

“It’s a natural addition to our event,” states Rich Donnell, conference co-chairman, and editor-in-chief of Wood Bioenergy magazine, which is the primary media host of the event. “Our previous events certainly have touched on elements of in-wood technologies, but we’ve been asked many times to provide a more significant discussion forum for it, and here it is.”

Donnell says numerous technical topics of growing importance come immediately to mind, including chip size (smaller and larger), chipper throwing capacity, chipper feed systems, and also urban wood residue supply. 

Donnell says CHIP CHIP HOORAY! will complement the other main themes of the Wood Bioenergy Conference & Expo, namely wood pellets (industrial and heating), and biomass power generation. 

Wood Bioenergy Conference & Expo will be held once again at the Omni Hotel at CNN Center in Atlanta, Georgia on April 5 and 6, 2016 in the Grand Ballroom North.


“If you’ve been to the event, you know that the Grand Ballroom North includes three large meeting rooms which run all day with presentations,” Donnell says. “CHIP CHIP HOORAY! and its presentations will be devoted to one of those rooms. Meanwhile, chipper and grinder manufacturers will exhibit on the exhibitor floor along with manufacturers and suppliers from other segments of the wood bioenergy industry.”

Donnell says the Wood Bioenergy Conference & Expo will now fully cover the wood energy sector, from in-woods developments to pellet manufacturing, biomass power generation and domestic and international markets.

The event will attract 400 attendees, spotlight 75 exhibitors and feature 50 speakers.

The conference is still accepting presentation proposals. Contact Rich Donnell, e-mail:


For exhibitor information, contact Fred Kurpiel, e-mail:

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