Canadian Biomass Magazine

More than 70 EU signatories call for efficient, circular use of woody biomass residues

December 2, 2022
By Bioenergy Europe

Photo: Annex Business Media

More than 30 additional signatories endorsed the declaration issued on the 10th of November, bringing the total number of supporters over 70 European organizations, companies and utilities.

Ahead of the technical trilogue on Friday, Dec. 2, the signatories renewed their concerns that the European Parliament’s proposal for a new definition of “primary woody biomass” in REDIII would prevent the efficient and circular use of woody biomass residues, and put EU energy security at risk. Bioenergy and, in particular, woody biomass are Europe’s most prominent local and sustainable energy source, it represents 10 per cent of the total energy we consume, with over 96 per cent of biomass produced domestically.

The undersigned companies, local authorities and utilities have renewed their support for ambitious sustainability criteria, which include the prioritization of biomass uses for high-efficiency cogeneration, supplying efficient district heating and industrial applications. However, they point out that the definition currently proposed by the European Parliament does not reflect the reality of sustainable forest management and bioenergy. Rather than promoting a sustainable and resilient framework, it prevents the use of circular and sustainable wood resources, threatening the future of a sector which is critical to decarbonize and ensure energy security for many cities and rural areas across Europe.

Full document: Joint stakeholder statement on woody biomass.

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