Canadian Biomass Magazine

Virtual Event
Conférence sur le chauffage à la biomasse des Maritimes
June 2, 2021 at 1:00pm ET


The importance of finding environmentally friendly, “green” energy sources and waste management systems for most industry sectors, including institutions is taking on critical importance.

While unpopular to say so out loud, it is not just the environment at stake, it is the continued viability of a diverse economic community that represents local, regional, national, and international scale operations. The cost of using traditional energy sources and landfills for waste, and the taxes imposed for using them, are driving operational costs sky high.

Triple Green Products offers carbon neutral solutions that eliminate the carbon tax that fossil fuels now have imposed on them. Our heating solutions have been installed into institutions ranging from hospitals to universities and businesses large and small. Customers such as these demand reliability when it comes to their heating systems.

TGP Biomass Boilers can be housed out-of-sight and can be successfully installed in applications where mechanical infrastructure must be kept in low profile.

Customers that choose a TGP heating solution will find that our boiler systems are built to industrial standards and are low-maintenance. TGP has various biomass feeding systems to ensure we meet the requirements of any application no matter the type of biomass fuel.

Triple Green Products has economic solutions, solutions that are good for the planet. We have a better way. And for all of us at Triple Green, that is very personal.

For more information visit our website at:

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