Canadian Biomass Magazine

ENplus e-learning available for those wanting to learn about pellet quality certification

September 16, 2021

Bulk pellets in warehouse. WPAC photo

For more than a year, WPAC has been unable to offer live ENPlus trainings because of COVID-19. To remedy this, WPAC and ENplus® International Head Office are offering online training to all certified companies and all those who wish to learn about wood pellet quality certification.

ENplus is an independent certification program for wood pellet quality, established in 2011 and run by the European Pellet Council. There are more than 1,162 certified pellet producers, traders, and service providers, in 47 countries on six continents. The European Pellet Council (EPC) governs the ENplus program and issues licenses to national pellet associations that manage the program in their own countries. WPAC is an EPC member and is the ENplus national licenser for Canada.

Truck dumping pellets. WPAC photo

Quality Managers (QM) of all ENplus certified companies are mandated to attend a training during the first year of certification and then once per certification period.

The training is composed of 13 modules. The modules are presented in slides with a voice-over in English, French or Portuguese, and ends with an interactive quiz at the end of modules 2 to 12. This will enable the QM to get trained on all the requirements of the ENplus quality certification program. The e-learning training includes the following modules:

  1. Introduction to Bioenergy Europe
  2. Introduction to ENplus
  3. Wood pellet production
  4. Sampling for self-monitoring
  5. Self-monitoring for the production site
  6. Quality management for the supply chain
  7. Bulk pellet delivery
  8. Requirements for small storage rooms
  9. Requirements for complaints
  10. Requirements for bag design
  11. ENplus testing
  12. ENplus inspections

To register, please complete the registration form here !

For more information please contact Fahimeh Yazdan Panah (, Simon Lavergne ( or Gordon Murray (


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