Canadian Biomass Magazine

Feds seeking project proposals for establishing biomass supply chains

August 26, 2022
By Canadian Biomass staff

Photo: Annex Business Media

The Canadian government has launched a call for project proposals that will establish biomass supply chains across the country to support a steady supply of feedstock to biofuel facilities.

In a Natural Resources Canada news release, the government notes clean fuels, such as advanced biofuels and hydrogen, play an essential role in contributing to Canada’s plan to reach net zero by 2050.

The call for proposals is a component of the $1.5-billion Clean Fuels Fund launched in June last year. The three project streams each include separate eligibility criteria and different submission timelines, funding levels, and contribution repayment requirements. Projects could receive up to 50 per cent of eligible costs to a maximum of $5 million in funding.

“Canadian companies and Indigenous businesses are bringing forward innovative solutions in the clean fuels space. Our government is partnering with them on these innovative projects to make Canada a global supplier of choice for clean fuels and to develop biomass supply chains that will create jobs and grow the low-carbon economy in communities across the country,” Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson said in the release.

Email the program to request the Applicant Guide for more details.

Learn more about the call for project proposals here.



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