Canadian Biomass Magazine

Wood pellets and pets: 35 things the UK wants to know about your wood pellets

March 30, 2017
By Scott Jamieson

March 30, 2017 - It’s 2017. You don’t need to wonder what people want to know about your products anymore – you just need to know what they are Googling.

Are wood pellets good for cat litter is among the top Google searches in the UK.

Canadian Biomass used a number of web search research tools to find out what people in the UK want to know about wood pellets. The questions may surprise you – there are concerns about toxicity and safety for instance – but if you can answer some of them on your website you may drive more knowledge, and potential clients.

We’ve broken the top questions into categories – marketing, environment, customer service, and just plain oddball questions. All questions are phrased exactly as they have been typed into the great big Google machine by UK-based web surfers.

Market questions – Where to buy wood pellets?

1 Where to buy wood pellets online
2 Where to buy wood pellets for smokers
3 Where to buy wood pellets for grills
4 Where to buy wood pellets in bulk/wholesale
5 Why use wood pellets
6 How are wood pellets delivered
7 Which wood pellets are best
8 Are wood pellets cheaper than oil
9 Are wood pellets cheaper than logs
10 Where to buy wood pellets near me
11 Wood pellets vs propane
12 Wood pellets vs gas calculator
13 Wood pellets vs electric heat
14 Wood pellets vs coal
15 What wood pellets burn the longest
16 Which wood pellets burn hottest

Environmental questions – Are wood pellets green?

17 Are wood pellets carbon neutral
18 Are wood pellets toxic
19 Are wood pellets renewable
20 Are wood pellets safe
21 Are wood pellets environmentally friendly
22 Are wood pellets dangerous
23 Are wood pellets safe to cook with

Customer service – How to use and store wood pellets?

24 How long do wood pellets last
25 How to store wood pellets
26 How to light wood pellets
27 What to store wood pellets in
28 When to buy wood pellets
29 Are wood pellets cheaper in the summer

Odd questions – What wood pellets for what meat?

30 Are wood pellets toxic to dogs
31 Are wood pellets safe for rabbits
32 Are wood pellets good for cat litter
33 How to use wood pellets for horse bedding
34 How to make wood pellets by hand
35 What pellets for what meat

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